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ZTC 611 Updates

PLEASE NOTE AT THIS TIME YOU CAN ONLY DOWNLOAD THIS FILE from WINDOWS 10 with google chrome, we are looking into this problem.

NEW ZTC 611 updates + installation instructions below:

611 upgrade v18 which has just programming updates to help the controller run smoothly and will improve the overload cutout system

Step 1 –
Put a clean usb stick into your computers usb port.

Step 2 –
Download the .zip file using the link below.

[wpdm_package id=’5334′]

Step 3 –
When the download is complete, unzip the file so that you have access to the ZTC611.hex file.

Step 4 –
Go to your download page and select this file ZTC611.hex (DO NOT RENAME OR SAVE THIS FILE) and left click to highlight this file, then right click this file, a drop down menu will appear, go down this menu  to “SEND TO” and left click here, this will add a further drop down, select your usb  stick from this menu and left click. This action will send the file ZTC611.hex to  your usb stick. When complete remove your usb stick and go to your 611 Controller.

Step 5 –
Look at the back of your 611 from the 4 way green plug count 4 ports to your right this is your usb port, insert your usb stick into this port. Turn on the mains and the controller will do the rest for you. When the 611 says “press clear to run” remove your usb stick and press Clear and enjoy your controller.

PLEASE NOTE AT THIS TIME YOU CAN ONLY DOWNLOAD THIS FILE from WINDOWS 10 with google chrome, we are looking into this problem. 

Important Information

Taunton Controls Ltd and the Helpdesk is open 9am to 9pm, Tuesdays to Sundays each week. Phone no. 01823 327155.

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