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Product Development Plan

We would be pleased to receive any feedback on our development plans.

Outline of the plan so far, ( order here may not be the order they come to the market).

ALL new products will be very user friendly to fit and use, with screw terminals ( NO SOLDERING) and simple setup instructions.

  • BIG full colour screen for the 611.
  • BIG Accessory decoder 12 way.
  • New twin track reverse loop module.
  • New DC twin track controller.
  • New DC hand held controller.
  • New SLOW action point motor.
  • New DDC Control system code name P

Some detail on the above, firstly the new screen for the 611, this is being designed to fit on to the controller as a replacement unit, if you have a green 611 you will be able to trade your small screen in towards the cost of the new screen.

  • extra two loco controls on screen.
  • full loco details on screen.
  • track layout plan on screen, with point control.
  • loco function status on screen.
  • loco number or loco name on screen.
  • loco photo in loco id screen.
  • loco chip programming on screen.
  • loco chip history page.
  • Point preset screen to give you simple editing.

We hope to be able to add more pages to this list as development goes on, please keep your thoughts coming in.

BIG Accessory decoder 12 way. This unit will be made to operate 12 accessories, points, signals and other non DCC accessories. Point motors solenoid , slow action or servo plus colour lights and semaphore signals. The unit will have a CDU built in for solenoid motors . Programming will be from the controller and very simple to do. Any outlet can have any number you wish up to 1000. powering the unit can be from your track bus or from an accessory bus if you have one, this would be recommended for layouts with more than 24 accessories.

New twin track reverse loop module. Our new twin track reverse loop module will have 2 sides one for each track, or may be one loop and one turntable. with screw terminals and a simple setup instructions.

New DC twin track controller. Design on the 511 case size and shape with dual controls as on the 511 the display unit will show volts in use and total amps being drawn. our standard 560 transformer for 00 up to 5amps max or the 562 transformer for N gauge or smaller. as a first for us, this unit will provide an ultra smooth control with our Reverser and regulator combination.

New DC hand held controller. Design to fit into our existing DCC handheld case. Ultra smooth control from our Reverser and Regulator combination. This unit can be powered from the twin track outlet or from a small transformer with a 1 amp output.

New SLOW action point motor. This will be a servo based unit with built in decoder as our existing point motor and will have frog and led switching.

New DDC Control system code name P. This will be a world first in ultra simple DCC controller and will be designed to give all levels of modeller the best ever system without the hassle of today systems. I want to tell you more but no. I will tell you all more when we are further into the development.

Important Information

Taunton Controls Ltd and the Helpdesk is open 9am to 9pm, Tuesdays to Sundays each week. Phone no. 01823 327155.

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