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Partnership Opportunity

It is over 3 years since the inception of Taunton Controls Ltd and we can report the launch of our 611 and have upgraded many 511 controllers with a high level of customer satisfaction.

We have stopped going to Exhibitions as a trader due to health reasons. We have shown the public that Taunton Controls Ltd is open for business and willing to help and the adverts in the 4 major magazines are working well.

The company is active in many countries around the world as well as at home. Our development plans will make the company a world leader in design and development of digital controls.

Part of our long term plan is to bring in partners to one day takeover the company due to my health. We now wish to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to become a partner to please contact us.

Taunton Controls Ltd, 12 The Octagon, Taunton, TA1 1RT 

Important Information

Taunton Controls Ltd and the Helpdesk is open 9am to 9pm, Tuesdays to Sundays each week. Phone no. 01823 327155.

About Taunton Controls